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走向世界的艺术大家——徐旭 To the world of art –Xu Xu

2024-09-29 09:20:01



To the world of art Xu Xu


Xu Xu in Qufu, the hometown of Confucius, in July 2024

徐旭,男,出生浙江省绍兴诸暨,1979 年在中国人民解放军坦克一师一团政治处加入中国共产党,成为一名军旅画家创作了许多优秀的军事题材油画。





Xu Xu, male, born in Zhuji, Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, joined the Communist Party of China in 1979 in the Political department of the First Tank Division and the first Regiment of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and became a military painter who created many excellent oil paintings with military themes.

Teacher Xu Xu is currently a member of the National Museum of Fine Arts and Archaeology Research Museum, assessed as a national treasure art master by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, awarded the title of People's Artist by the Chinese Artists Association and the Chinese Calligraphers Association, the chairman of the Council of People's Painting and Calligraphy Newspaper, the Chairman of the Painting and Calligraphy Committee of the National People's Art Credit Management Center, and the director of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Academy. He is now a national first-class artist, a national first-class calligrapher, a member of the Chinese Artists Association and a Chinese art archaeologist, a visiting professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, a visiting professor of the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University, a visiting professor of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Victoria, Canada, and a doctoral supervisor of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Art.

During his tenure as director of the Institute of Chinese Art Archaeology, he has made significant and outstanding contributions to the research, development and innovation of Chinese painting, from the systematic research on silk paintings unearthed from the Han Dynasty tomb in Mawangdui, Changsha to the Han Dynasty stone sculptures. The Birth Picture of Confucius created by Xu Xu has now been collected by the National Art Museum of China. Mr. Shao Dazhen, the doctoral supervisor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in China and the most authoritative art critic in China, said that the birth picture of Confucius created by Xu Xu in the past five years is a "Christmas picture" in Chinese style, and it is also the first world-famous painting with the traditional culture of aesthetic education to the world.

His works not only show Xu Xu's talent and skills, but also reflect his unique insight and pursuit of art. Teacher Xu Xu is not only satisfied with excellent performance in skills and cultivation, but also pursues the uniqueness and innovation of his works, and strives to reach a higher realm in the field of oil painting creation. The characters in Xu Xu's works are vivid and lifelike. He was particularly good at portraying women. In his works, the figures in his paintings are not isolated, they live in a concrete social environment. His characters have profound ideological connotation and artistic value. They are not only figures in paintings, but also reflections and reflections of real life.

In August 2024, "Confucius Birth Map" participated in the special exhibition of national famous works of "Holy Land Biography" in Qufu. In September 2024, "Confucius Birth Map" participated in the Famous Works exhibition of Peking University Centennial Celebration.


[Appreciation of works]


Full picture of the birth of Confucius



Part of the birth map of Confucius: "Confucius Mother Holding her Son"



Chinese cultural Relics Oil Painting "Chu Royal Mausoleum Han Dynasty Double Dragon Jade"


Chinese neoclassical Figure Oil Painting: Jiangshan Duo Jiao series "Mountain Red"



China Red No. 1 work "Highland Red"


[Famous comments]



Large-scale historical relics innovative oil painting "The Light of Nine Cauldrons"

万里河山绘磅礴 九鼎至尊颂中华







著名书画评论家 田继学 2024年9月18日

Drawing the Majestic Nine tripod Supreme Praise to China

-- The national treasure "The Light of Nine Tripods" created by Xu Xu

The Chinese civilization is vast and enduring, and its light shines like the sun and moon. The Light of the Nine Tripod, created by the famous contemporary painter Xu Xu, is presented in front of the world with a magnificent attitude, and has become a national treasure of the Chinese civilization on the cultural stage. With extraordinary efforts and ingenuity, "The Light of the Nine tripod" has shaped the majestic splendor of the cultural relics of the nine tripod in a high pattern, and has written a magnificent map of the rivers and mountains of China in a unique way, giving the rise of a great power a majestic new totem rich in the spirit of The Times. This extraordinary oil painting is not only a feast of visual art, but also a classic of cultural inheritance and innovation, which vividly expresses the national pride and cultural confidence of the Chinese people across time and space. Entering the "Light of the Nine Tripod" is an aesthetic journey through the ancient and modern, and the mood is thus baptized out of the infinite love for China!

The structural space of this work, with the dragon spine of the Chinese mountains as the character, with tens of thousands of rivers and lakes as the blood, beautiful colors and magnificent weather! Mountains stand giant, across the sky, peaks, straight into the sky, in the picture formed a majestic, extraordinary magnificent weather, the soul of the mountain solemnly bearing the vicissitudes of the years and the glory of civilization, with the attitude of historical witnesses, telling the Chinese nation five thousand years of wind and rain changes! Look at the mountains like a dragon, feel the clouds and rain between the heaven and earth show the power.

The rivers and lakes in the painting run through the whole work like blood, injecting infinite vitality into the painting title. Or as vast as the sea, the waves on the shore of the sound of the nine sky, is completely overwhelming overwhelming momentum; Or meandering between the canyons and forests, delicate and smart, like the spirit of nature, dancing freely between heaven and earth, reflecting the vast and far-reaching space, containing unlimited power and hope. Mr. Xu's ability to integrate space is superior, arranging mountains and rivers together, letting rivers and rivers dance together, constructing a magnificent and delicate and gentle map of China's rivers and mountains, which can bring unprecedented shock and baptism to the soul in this endless and majestic beauty.

The title of "The Light of Nine Cauldrons" is magnificent, and the nine cauldrons of China, as the core element, has jumped out of the fan of cultural relics and become an aesthetic instrument to sing the praises of the Chinese nation! Arranged on the top of the mountains and rivers in turn, with the respect of ritual vessels, deep contains the meaning of national prosperity and national spirit. Famous surprise, Chinese supreme!

Thousands of rivers and mountains draw majestic, the nine triding supreme praise China. The nine cauldrons are arranged like the stars, and the country is stable and standing tall! Through this artistic initiative, Mr. Xu perfectly integrates the national meaning of the nine Ding with the map of rivers and mountains of China, showing the profound cultural heritage of the Chinese nation and the indomitable national spirit. This work is not only the ultimate pursuit of visual art, but also a profound reflection on cultural inheritance and innovation. It allows viewers to appreciate the beauty at the same time, but also feel the national pride and cultural confidence flowing in the blood. Therefore, "The Light of the Nine Cauldrons" is an unprecedented oil painting treasure, with a unique artistic language to show the world the brilliant charm of Chinese civilization, can be called a national treasure, valuable!

Famous painting and calligraphy critic Tian Jixue, Sept 18, 2024






在中国古代文明中,鼎是承载着祭天祀地、明礼重器的深厚文化内涵。而今徐旭先生之所以能创作出惊叹世人的《九鼎之光》,其根源也正是在于他对传统鼎文化的深刻理解。他深知,要画出有灵魂的鼎,必先追溯其根源,探寻其历史。为此,多年来他遍访古迹,深入研读史书,尤其从夏商周时期的上古青铜器中汲取灵感,只为能将那份古老而庄严的气息深深融入到创作之中。《九鼎之光》这一件综合艺术材油画作品,采取的是埋进去挖出来,再用西方油画古典间接绘画的方式,精彩地把几千年来商周青铜的质感与与包浆表现的淋漓尽致!成为中国商周青铜油画典型性作品。 作品中的毛公鼎虽然孤悬在台北故宫博物院,但是成为徐旭先生着力塑造的主角之一,作为中国商周青铜器的文化主力,徐旭先生没有把它忘记,一并纳入了九鼎之一,用来预示十四亿中国人两岸必然统一决心与意志,以令作品主旨鲜明,气势浩荡。他笔下的每一幅鼎文化作品,都并非是属于对金属器物的单纯构建,而应该称之为是被赋予了生命与情感的中华图腾!




Cast the style of Chinese big ware -- the famous painter Xu Xu

Xu Xu studied in the oil painting Materials Studio of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and served as the monitor of the first oil painting materials Art graduate class. In the process of learning, Xu Xu devoted himself to study, diligent and unremitting. From the perspective of character, Xu Xu has performed well and become a model for his classmates. His tutors, Mr. Pan Shixun and Mr. Zhang Yuan, are two authoritative figures in the field of oil painting materials in China. They have a deep understanding and insight into this field, and have a unique insight. They jointly praise Xu Xu, believing that he has a solid foundation in the study of oil painting materials, and his professional knowledge is both broad and profound, and can be called a model of comprehensive mastery. Xu Xu not only has a superb grasp of the theory and technology of oil painting materials, but also can integrate what he has learned and skillfully apply it to the painting techniques of art archaeology. His works not only inherit the essence of the traditional, but also show the modern style, in the use of oil painting materials can be said to be handy. This is the unique charm of Xu Xu's artistic career, and it is also the crystallization of his deep cultivation and unremitting pursuit in the field of oil painting material art, and it is also the professional basis for him to create national treasure works.

Xia Yu cast the nine tripod, the symbol of Kyushu, it can be said that since the Xia Dynasty, tripod culture has been the most important symbol of the Chinese nation. As a famous painter today, Mr. Xu is able to rely on his profound cultural heritage to "cast" on the rice paper with a piece of the Chinese style of the line drawing Ding. And in the shape design of the ding, Mr. Xu is also able to integrate the traditional Chinese ding with the beauty of the major mountains! This unique series of fusion techniques is not only a modern interpretation of ancient Chinese bronze art, but also a deep ode to the magnificent mountains and rivers of China!

In ancient Chinese civilization, Ding was a place of offering sacrifices to heaven and a heavy instrument of rites in Ming dynasty. Today, the reason why Mr. Xu can create the "Light of the Nine Ding Ding" which is amazing to the world is also rooted in his deep understanding of traditional Ding culture. He knew that to paint a ding with a soul, one must first trace its roots and explore its history. For this reason, over the years, he visited historic sites and studied history books in depth, especially drawing inspiration from the ancient bronzes of the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, in order to deeply integrate the ancient and solemn atmosphere into his creation. "The Light of Nine Cauldrons", a comprehensive art material oil painting work, is buried in and dug out, and then uses the Western oil painting classical indirect painting way, wonderful to express the texture and coating of Shang and Zhou bronze for thousands of years! It became a typical work of bronze oil painting in Shang and Zhou Dynasties of China. Each of his Ding culture works is not a simple construction of metal objects, but should be called a Chinese totem endowed with life and emotion!

As Mr. Xu has introduced, his book "Nine tripod of China" is based on the traditional names of tripod, such as Zhuke bronze Tripod, Da Ke Tripod and Da Wu Tripod, and on this basis, it fully combines the natural wonders of China, such as the majesty of Tianshan Mountain range, the mystery of Kunlun Mountain Range, and the agility of Hengduan Mountain Range. Through re-creation, these traditional names are revitalized, as if the essence of each mountain is condensed in the ding body, which is called an exhibition of the unique charm of the Chinese land and Chinese culture! Indeed, although these works are currently dominated by line drawing structures, the creative effort that Mr. Xu has devoted to them is obvious. In the subtle presentation of spatial structure, Mr. Xu Xu's oil painting "Nine Cauldrons of China" shows a magnificent natural picture scroll with majestic momentum and strict adherence to the winding trend of Chinese mountains as an artistic framework. He skillfully uses the immersion technique, combined with the overlapping techniques of "small lake" and "large lake" in Tempera art, to exquisitely depict the depth and vastness of the mountains and rivers, making the mountains and rivers leap onto the canvas, leading the way and breathtaking. This work is not only a display of skill, but also a soulful ode to the magnificent scenery of the Chinese land. After all, if there is no profound historical background and cultural accomplishment, it is difficult for ordinary people to integrate Ding culture with mountains and rivers so seamlessly. Only the structure of many details in the tripod body is very difficult, too dense it is easy to appear crowded, too loose it is unable to highlight the theme. So we are full of hope and hope that one day in the future, Mr. Xu can perfectly reproduce this inspiration in the form of oil painting. At that time, the works will certainly trigger a more sensational artistic response!

Cast the style of Chinese big ware. It should be said that in today's painting circles, there are still very few painters who can rival Mr. Xu in subject matter. In other words, on the basis of oil painting, he chose the ancient Tripod culture theme, which is itself a brave attempt. In the art of carrying forward the ancient and modern national culture, over the years on the drawing of countless drafts, and finally today a great success! Yu Gong, this is a confident expression of Chinese culture, so that the world can once again appreciate the broad and profound Chinese culture; In private, this is a deep comfort and response to Mr. Zou Houben's last wish... Needless to say, such an outstanding artistic achievement is enough to be engraved forever in the painting circle, becoming an immortal classic, and it is well deserved!

Shan Guoqiang, a researcher at the Palace Museum, September 2024



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